Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Over the river and through the woods...

We have twin daughters. They are grown now, and by no design of their own, ended up living less than four miles apart in Nashville. It is a nine hour drive from Leawood, KS, where Ken and I live. Our entire family (22 with grand kids) are going to be in Nashville to celebrate Thanksgiving with our daughters; a lot of people, making a whole lot of effort to be together.
I grew up in a small town in Illinois with one grandma living behind us and another across town from us, with the rest of our family a short drive away. Those were rich times. My father bought a business in Omaha and moved our family of five there my senior year of high school. It was culture shock in many ways, but the loss of family nearby was huge, and looking back, changed a lot of things. Like many, our dysfunctions were worn on or sleeves, with most of the pressure of the entertaining falling on the moms and grandmom's, but  it was that extension of self that was, as the American Express ads used to say, 'Priceless".
I am thanking God this morning for our family and so very grateful that everyone is making the effort to drive or fly to Nashville, ever aware that our all gathering together for a holiday may be the last time. That is the one thing I wish I'd been warned of - the last time I would talk on the phone with someone, the last time we would all (as our family unit of seven) eat dinner together at the kitchen table, the last time I would hear a voice, or get a hug.... But, we don't get that warning. Life happens, stuff happens, and it sometimes takes us where we wouldn't choose to go...
But, today, Ken and I get to load our dogs, casseroles, and us in our car, traveling  "over the river and through the woods" to Nashville. I'm smarter now, and a bit sadder, and determined to savor every moment with my darling family. I am thankful for my Ken, Melissa, Gary, Cameron, Caedran, Peyton, Regan, Dan, Sherri, Chloe, Henry, Sophia, Andi, Tim, Nik, Connor, Dori, Hudson, Wyatt, Sage, and Emily. The food will be great, and there will be much fun, but the memories will be retained as treasure.
Happy Thanksgiving! Savor everything.

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