Friday, November 9, 2012

It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to...

With each birthday I allow myself the indulgence of reflection. Time should be a teacher; daily tapping us on the shoulder with reminders of the lessons taught through childhood, school days, being parented, parenting, and the ebb and flow of life. Granted the energies are different with each stage, but on this birthday I am aware that while my joints remind me of my age, in my subconscious I can be seven year old Beatrice Baker or a character (you haven't met Loretta yet) whose life has beaten her down, yet she celebrates every sunset. And, on this, my birthday, that is what I wish you...celebrate your sunsets. May they be many. And, might they remind us all that dawn is just around the corner.


Cyndi Maria Jesse said...

This so touched my heart that now it is *me who is crying... I Love you dear sis Fran! You are a precious inspiration and blessing to us all~ Sweet shalom always in Yeshua♥ Forward march!! ;)

Unknown said...

Thank you for taking the time to respond! Wishing you many sunsets!