Friday, January 11, 2013

Some thoughts on my book IMPLOSION...Free today

My book IMPLOSION is written in the genre of the Left Behind books by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, only put in today's timeline. By definition Implosion is "the deliberate undermining of the foundation of a structure causing it to cave inward". The headlines are coming to life before our eyes warning us of a long-planned and predicted ending. The characters are rich and the book is compelling. By the end of my writing I felt as if I was moving away from good friends, I so loved each of them. If you click on the images of the book they will take you to Amazon for the Kindle download - it is also available in paperback. An FYI if you don't own a do not have to own one to have a Kindle account. I read my Kindle downloads on my iPhone and my laptop.) 
The book is current, prophetic, and a warning for Christ's Body to "be ready"...for anything. I have learned that writing something that smacks of prophetic is a bit like walking the plank, but it's too late now. And, each day, when I listen to the news, I am aware that the timeline of what we each consider freedom to be is changing. 
You will both laugh and cry, be angry, inspired, edified, and provoked...hopefully, some of the time at the edge of your seat wondering what happens next. 
My first editor sucked so I got a couple of deserved reviews for that, although I defend myself to those who ask me why I didn't catch it by saying that while I am a writer, God made editors for the likes of me who must have some form of grammatical dyslexia. And, there are a couple of people who were angry at the very deliberate weaving of the prophetic into the book  My bio, synopsis, and the other reviews all praise the book for its message, so take that into account reading them (I have to wonder why they would read it based on that which nullify's their comments). I do not make any attempt to hide that I write Christian fiction.*
The best gift you can give any author is to review their book. And, if you are a member of Goodreads, please do it there, also. 
Optimist that I am the bright side of the last election (for me) is that it gave IMPLOSION a longer shelf life. We are rapidly being herded and propelled toward a less free and more regulated future. Whatever belief system one holds, that is a certainty!

*Note disclaimer! 

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