Friday, December 7, 2012

The Savior Came!

"Separation of church and state" has become a tired and misused mantra...well, unless, you're an attorney working in behalf of those who would silence the Christmas message across our land. Yes, I realize that December 25th is the wrong date, some of the traditions morphed from pagan rituals, people lose monetary sense of reason during the holidays, and there are mini-Grinch's lurking everywhere who will point out the obvious. But, in defense of the holiday, celebrated by Christians around the world, when else can you hear the message of a Savior born into human flesh,  His coming heralded by angels, worshiped by shepherds and wise men alike, bedded in a barn,  born to live in our human condition, die for it, and rise with 'healing in his wings' sung from every street corner, grocery store, market, and mall across the civilized world?
So, I'm a big girl, and I choose to not let the Grinch's steal my joy. Even if the Grinch's won, and took away the trees, and nativity scenes, the ringing bells, and even erase the "Merry" from "Merry Christmas", they won't silence me! He came, He conquered, He died. He is the King of Glory - the Lord strong and mighty - and the enemy wins if we let him get us off message. It isn't angels singing about the entrance of the Messiah into human history; it should be us!
The common men and women from all faiths benefit from this season of giving. Because of the Gift sent from Heaven the homeless and poor are visited, soldiers and prisoners receive gifts, cards & recognition, the plight of orphans and widows is felt by society, and turkey dinners are personally delivered to homes where the meal truly will be celebrated as a feast.
Of course, the takers are there, too...takers take. But, they can't steal my joy in giving. I'm no angel, but the angel tree helps me individually target special children that my husband and I can bless (and even dare to go over-budget in the blessing). And, I dare say, who, in the end, is more blessed?
So, let the Naysayers neigh (not a pretty sound, really).. It is a sad commentary on their souls - not our own. Put a dollar in the Salvation kettle (even if they got you last time), and celebrate why they are there and the great work of charity they do. The Reason for the Season is glorified every time we reach into our pockets.
The courts will be busy, and apparently the Grinch's have deep pockets themselves. Some judges will shake their heads in dismay while others side with them, legislating from the bench. It is a misuse, for sure. But, dear ones, then it is incumbent upon us to not be hidden under a bushel somewhere, but to let our light so shine that the world will know the Savior came, and that He came for all who will believe, and that He is going to return - and it could be soon. Spread the word. The Savior, Christ the Lord came, and He's coming again!
Maranatha and Merry Christmas.

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